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Jonathan Cilia Faro Booking Agency Profile

Book Jonathan Cilia Faro for your next corporate event, function, or private party.
Italy's Sicily is the birthplace of Jonathan Cilia Faro. He started taking music lessons when he was nine years old, and at sixteen, he started performing on his own. Over 100,000 copies of his debut album, Always Close to Me, were sold. Rebirth, Cilia Faro's second album, is an introspective account of his life's horrific events. He started a global gospel tour the same year, which helped him record his third album, Symphony for Heaven. Because of these accomplishments, Jonathan became involved in a number of charitable projects that promote education across the globe and give him a unique platform for sharing the gospel.
Jonathan and Grammy-winning musician Michael W. Smith just published a song called "Sing Again (Canto Ancora)."
He has shared the stage with Downhere's founder, Marc Martel, and hopes to connect with listeners with his distinctive fusion of traditional and modern music. Jonathan firmly believes in Christianity and is committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone. He sings classic hymns and modern Christian music with piano and track accompaniment, creating an engaging and joyful experience for audiences of all ages with his unique approach and operatic background..

How to hire Jonathan Cilia Faro for an event

Learn how to hire Jonathan Cilia Faro or research availability and pricing for booking Jonathan Cilia Faro to perform at a corporate event, fundraiser, private party, social media campaign, fair or festival, tradeshow or conference, endorsement project, or hire Jonathan Cilia Faro as a guest speaker, please submit the form to our agency.

Frequently Asked Questions about booking Jonathan Cilia Faro to perform.

Many performers, actors, speakers and other talent like Jonathan Cilia Faro in certain cases will consider virtual appearances via live streaming. They perhaps may accept lower fees too. If you are seriously interested in booking Jonathan Cilia Faro or other talent shown on our site, we will research their desire and the specific fee for your live-streaming event or project request.
Jonathan Cilia Faro's current work schedule and location in relation to your event's type, date, budget, and locality will play a primary factor in the acceptance of booking Jonathan Cilia Faro for your party. As long as your funding is commensurate with the price range to book Jonathan Cilia Faro, CTI will propose your event to the official agency representing Jonathan Cilia Faro. After we consult with them, we will provide a personal and accurate quote that includes: final costs, availability, and actual interest in being hired for your specific event or party.
CTI can give you the accurate Jonathan Cilia Faro booking price once we submit your event details to their camp. "How much does it cost to book Jonathan Cilia Faro for an event?" is a frequent question we get. The final Jonathan Cilia Faro booking price is contingent on many variables and the booking fee we may show is based on a range derived from our past experience with what will Jonathan Cilia Faro charge for an event. An example fee to book Jonathan Cilia Faro is in the starting range of $2,500-$7,499. However, any recent popularity change would cause a price fluctuation well beyond this example. Also, their speaking fee might be different than the fee shown for the cost to perform or to just appear. Popularity, career stage, along with current demand will cause fluctuations in their speaking price as well. The final booking price may be more than what is shown, but you should at least have a budget within that range for them to consider an appearance, performance or speaking engagement.
CTI negotiates on behalf of professional event planners and talent buyers for paid appearances! We cannot give out direct contact information of the Jonathan Cilia Faro agent or help distribute fan mail, personal messages, gifts, requests for free appearances, or donations of time. The Jonathan Cilia Faro manager and agent will only work with us if we present them with funded offers for their client to work your event.
There is low probability to book Jonathan Cilia Faro for a party with anything substantially less than the published booking cost price range. We will negotiate with the Jonathan Cilia Faro agent on your behalf if your funding is in place. By not having funding ready then it will more difficult to book Jonathan Cilia Faro, because they get many offers to work events that are at or above asking price. It is also important to consider the travel costs when researching the Jonathan Cilia Faro booking fee, as additional expenses like this, as well as an entourage of staff and equipment, are not necessarily built-in to the booking fee range shown. If your budget does not factor that in, then there is no benefit for them to want to be hired. We do not personally speak for Jonathan Cilia Faro, but in our experience in booking talent for over 25 years, this is generally the outcome of inadequate funding.
Christian, Male, Age Group-18-30's, Italian
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Jonathan Cilia Faro Booking Agent Information