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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Daesung, Daffo, Daily Bread, daine, DAISY, Daisy the Great, Daisy World, Dakota Johnson, Dale Murphy, Dallas Green, Dalton Dover, Dame Judi Dench, Damian Marley, Damien Chazelle, Damon Albarn, Damon Herriman, Dan Castellaneta, Dan D'Lion, Dan Pashman, Dan Pfeiffer, Dan Reynolds, Dan Snaith, Dan Stevens, Dan the Automator, Dana Gould, danah boyd, Danay Garcia, Dance Across America: Studio '94, DANCE SYSTEM, Dance With The Dead, Dandy DJ, Daneshevskaya, Daniel Caesar, Daniel Dae Kim, Daniel Day-Lewis, Daniel Echo, Daniel Gibson, Daniel Humm, Daniel Lamarre, Daniel Lissing, Daniel Powter, Daniel Ricciardo, Daniel Roseberry, Danielle Bradbery, Danielle Colby, Danielle Lucia Schaffer, Danielle Nicole, Danielle Panabaker, Danika & The Jeb, Danko Jones, Dannii Minogue, Danny Aiello, Danny Bevins, Danny Forster, Danny Glover, Danny Glover & Felix Justice, Danny Gokey, Danny Sapani, Danny Way, DannyLux, Daoi Freyr, Dappy, Dar'rell Green, Dara Maclean, Dara O'Briain, Dark Rooms, Darren Criss, Darren Hayes, Darren Kiely, Darrin Hacquard, Darryl Lovegrove, Daryl Hannah, Daryl Stuermer-Genesis Rewired, Dashboard Confessional, DATAROCK, Dave Attell, Dave B, Dave Comstock, Dave Hause, Dave Lieberman, Dave Thomas Junior, Daves Highway, Davey Johnson, Davey Lopes, David Archuleta, David Benoit, David Berrie, David Bromstad, David Castaneda, David Church, David Dawson, David Fanning, David Foley, David Fricke, David Guetta, David H. Holmes, David J, David Kessler, David Lee Roth, David Letterman, David Lieberman, David Meerman Scott, David Morris, David Myles, David Nance, David Oyelowo, David Phelps, David Ramirez, David Ramsey, David Regal, David Sheinkopf, David Talbert, David Tennant, David Visentin, Davy Liu, Dawn Jameson, Days of August, Dboy, DE'WAYNE and more!