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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like DJ Rumor, DJ Snake, DJ Susan, DJ Youngsta, Django Django, Doctor P, Dokken, Dollface, Dolores Forever, Dom Dolla, Dom Kennedy, Dom Louis, Dominique Crenn, Dominique Fils-Aime, Dominique Fishback, Don Felder (of The Eagles), Don Johnson, Don Mattingly, Don McLean, Don Strapzy, Don Vappie's Creole Serenaders, Donald Fagen, Donald Glover, Donald Lawrence, Donavon Frankenreiter, Donel, Donell Jones, Donna Kay Bush, Donna Mills, Donna Murphy, Donna the Buffalo, Donny Benet, Donny Osmond, Donovan W. Carter, Dope Lemon, Dorian Electra, Doris Burke, DORO, Dos Borrachos, Doug Stone, Dougray Scott, Dounia, Dowdelin, Dr. Angela Farris Watkins, Dr. Ava Cadell, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Beth, Dr. Bob Rotella, Dr. Diana Kirschner, Dr. Dre, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Emily Anhalt, Dr. Eva Selhub, Dr. Evan Antin, Dr. Gautam Gulati, Dr. Kate Biberdorf, Dr. Laura Berman, Dr. Richard Harris, Dr. Steven Pantilat, Dr. Susan Truong, Dr. Tracy Weeden, DragonForce, Drake White, Drake Witham, DRAKK, DRAMA, Drayton Farley, Dreamcatcher, Dreamer Boy, Dreamers, dreamfone, Drew Starkey, Drew Tarver, Drives the Common Man, Dru Hill, Dry Reef, Dua Lipa, Dub FX, Ducks Ltd., Duke Deuce, Duke Special, Dule Hill, Duncan Laurence, Durand Bernarr, Durand Jones, Durante, Dusky, Dustin Lance Black, Dutch Criminal Record, DVNE, Dwight Evans, Dylan Dunlap, Dylan Marlowe, Dylan Matthew, Dylan Mulvaney, Dylan Sinclair, Dylan Walsh, Dylan Wright, DZ Deathrays, E. Ethelbert Miller, Earthless, East Adelaide, Easton Corbin, Easy Life, EAZYBAKED, Ecca Vandal, Ed Helms, Ed Kowalczyk, Ed Sheeran, Edd, Eddie Jordan, Eddie Murray, Eddie Redmayne, Ede, Eden Prince, Edgar Ramirez, Edie Bens, Ednita Nazario, Edward Maya, EELS and more!