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results of search for "tech" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Ken Perlman, Ken Rutkowski, Ken Whisenhunt, Kendoll, Kenna, Kenny Anderson, Kent Rathwell, Kenyon Salo, Kerala Dust, Keren Elazari, Kero Kero Bonito, Kesi Gibson, Kessler, Kevin Ashton, Kevin Briggs, Kevin Butler, Kevin Colleran, Kevin Davies, Kevin Fowler, Kevin Holland, Kevin Jorgeson, Kevin Kelly, Kevin Livingston, Kevin Pho, Kevin Poulsen, Kevin Richardson, Kevin Rose, Kevin Surace, Kevin Systrom, Kevin Warwick, Keziah Jones, Khalid, KI/KI, Kiasmos, Kiki Rockwell, KILL FEED, Killer Mike, KILU, Kim Campbell, Kim Friedman, Kim Garst, Kim Perell, Kim Polese, Kim Scott, Kimberly Bryant, Kip Thorne, Kirk Borne, Kirstie Ennis, Klangkuenstler, Klangphonics, Kliff Kingsbury, KMFDM, Knatokie Ford, Knight Kiplinger, Koh Dong Jin, Kolsch, Korolova, Kotchakorn Voraakhom, KREAM, Kristen Dickson & Brady Cunningham, Kristen Hancher, Kristian Bush, Kristian Nairn, Kristian Segerstrale, Kristin Scott Thomas, Kristin Velvet, Kristina Halvorson, Krisztina Holly, Kucka, Kudzi Chikumbu, Kumail Nanjiani, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Kyle Fuller, Kyle Kinch, Kyle Watson, L'eclair, L. Hunter Lovins, Lady Pheønix, Laidback Luke, Laird Hamilton, Laith Al-Saadi, Lance Secretan, Lanna, Larry Dossey, Md, Larry Ellison, Larry McAlister, Larry Page, Larry Wilcox, Lars Hamberg, LAUNDRY DAY, Laura Galante, Laura Nirider, Laura Pattison, Laura Shin, Laura Tyson, Lauren Fix, Lauren Lane, Lauren Maillian, Lauren Singer, Laurence Gartel, Laurie David, Laurie Robbins, Laurie Yoler, LAUV, Lawrence Lessig, Layton Giordani, Le Ly Hayslip, Le Motel, Leah Busque, Leah Crocetto, Leanne Pittsford, Ledisi, Lee 'Scratch' Perry, Lee Burridge, Lee Foss, Lee Odden, Leidy Klotz, Leif Edvinsson, Leigh & Leslie Keno and more!