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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Locals Only Sound, Loefah, Logan Crosby, Logan Michael, Logan Mize, Logan Richard, Logic1000, Lola Lennox, LOLAWOLF, London O??Connor, Long Beard, Lord Huron, Loren Kramar, Lorenzo Cain, LORYN, Los Lonely Boys, Los Tigres Del Norte, Lost Frequencies, LOSTBOYJAY, Lou Gramm - Lead Singer Of Foreigner, Lou Phelps, Lou Waters, Louane, Loud Luxury, Loudon Wainwright, Louis Baker, Louis Tomlinson, Louisa Harland, Louise Redknapp, LOVA, Lovefingers, Lovefoxy, Lovejoy, LoveLeo, Loveless, Lovelytheband, Loverboy, Loverman, Loveshack, Lovin' Spoonful, Loving, Loving the 90s Country Tour, LOVRA, Low Island, Lower 40, Lower Than Atlantis , Lowertown, LOWES, LP, LSDREAM, LTD, Lucas Congdon, Lucas Glover, Lucero, Lucius Arthur, Lucky Blue Smith, Lucky Daye, Ludacris, Ludo, Luis Coronel, Luis Figueroa, Luis Martins Simoes, Luke Burr, Luke Grimes, Luke Kirby, Luke Null, Luke Pell, Luke Royalty, Luke Sital-Singh, lullahush, Lulu, Lulu Wang, Luna, Luna Lauren Velez, LunchMoney Lewis, Lund, lupa, Lupita D'Alessio, Luttrell, LYELL, Lykke Li, Lyle Lovett, Lyle Lovett and John Hiatt, Lyle Lovett and Shawn Colvin, Lynda Carter, Lyndsey Jones, Lynne Jackaman, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Lyra, Lyrica Anderson, LYVIA, LYZZA, M-22, M. Ward, M.Ward, Mabel, Mac McAnally, Mac Powell, Macca Wiles, Maccabeats, Mack Wilds, Mackenzie Phillips, Macklemore, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Maddie Simpson, Maddie Storvold, Maddie Zahm, Madds Buckley, Madeleine Arthur, Madeleine Peyroux, Madeline Merlo, Madeline Petsch, Madilyn Mei, Madison Bailey, Madison Beer, Madison Cunningham, Mae Whitman, Maggie Rogers, Maggie Rose, Maia Reficco and more!