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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Mexrrissey, Mia Gladstone, Mia Wray, Miami Horror, Mica Paris, Micah Tyler, Michael Angelakos, Michael Bennett, Michael Bibi, Michael Blume, Michael Bolton, Michael Brenner, Michael Buble, Michael Cavanaugh, Michael Cera, Michael Chernus, Michael Emerson, Michael Grandinetti, Michael Grasso, Michael Grimm, Michael Ian Black, Michael J. Jackson, Michael Kiwanuka, Michael Kors, Michael Lee, Michael Lombardi, Michael McDermott, Michael McDonald (of the Doobie Brothers), Michael Ostaski - Art Explosion, Michael Phelps, Michael Ray, Michael Rooker, Michael Schwartz, Michael Sembello, Michael Socha, Michael Spinks, Michael Tucker, Michael Twitty, Michael Yo, Michaela Watkins, Michal Menert, Michel Camilo, Michel Neray, Michel Nischan, Michelle Borth, Michelle Branch, Michelle Jewsbury, Michelle Kosinski, Michelle Li, Michelle Williams, Michelle Wright, Michi, Michl, Mick Hucknall, Mick Jenkins, Mickey Bell, Micky's Monkees Christmas, MICO, Midnight Kids, Midnight Star, MIKA, Mika and Brian Kleinschmidt, Mikaela Mayer, Mike Colter, Mike Farris, Mike Glover, Mike Lee, Mike Ness, Mike O'Malley, Mike Peters of The Alarm, Mike Pisciotta, Mike Reid, Mike Robertson, Mike Ryan, Mike Sabath, Mike Scott, Mike Veny, Mike Vogel, Mike Watt and the Missingmen, Miki Ratsula, Mikkel Svane, Mila Degray, Mila J, Mild Orange, Miles Daniel, Miles Heizer, Miles Miller, Milk and Bone, Milky Chance, Millennial, Millie Turner, Mills, MIMS, Mina, Mina and Bryte, Ming-Na Wen, Minke, Mint Condition, Mint Simon, Mira Nair, Mirage Big Band Orchestra, Miranda July, Miranda Otto, Mirror Fury, Mishaal, Misogi, MISS DRE, Miss K8, MisterWives, Misty Lynch, Misty Rosas, Mitch Lowe, Mitch Rossell, Mitchell Ferguson, Mitski, MNEK, Mo Kolours, Mo'Nique, moa moa, Mod Sun and more!