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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Paul Williams, Paula Cendejas, Paula Cole, Paula Zahn, Paulette McWilliams, Paulie Cerra, Pawel Pawlikowski, PawPaw Rod, payton, Payton Head, Paz Vega, Peabo Bryson, Peace of Woodstock, Peach Fur, Peach Fur, Peach Tree Rascals, Peaches & Herb, Pearl Jam, Pedro Pascal, Peggy Lipton, Penelope Scott, PENGSHUi, Penguin Prison, Penny Johnson Jerald, People Museum, Pepper Teigen, Perel, Perfume, Pete Correale, Pete Doherty, Pete Escovedo, Pete Nelson, Peter Cetera, Peter Dinklage, Peter Frampton, Peter Furler, Peter Godwin, Peter Manfredo Jr., Peter Manos, Peter Mayer, Peter Murphy, Peter Pan Featuring Cathy Rigby, Peter Pavone, Peter Perrett, Peter Rivera, Petit Biscuit, Petra Luna, Petula Clark, PewDiePie, Phil Dunster, Phil Niekro, Phil Plait, Phil Vassar, Philip Bailey, Philip Rosenthal, Phillip Michael Scales, Phony Ppl, Phora, Photek, Phum Viphurit, Phutureprimitive, Physical Graffiti - Tribute To Led Zeppelin, Pianos Become The Teeth, Piebald, Pierce Brosnan, Piero Pirupa, Pinegrove, Pink, Pink Sweats, Pip Millett, Piroshka, Pissed Jeans, Pitbull, Pixies, Pixx, PJ Harvey, PJ Morton, Placebo, Plain White T's, Plan B, Platinum Blonde, Platinum Rockstars, Playmode, Pleasure P, Pluko, PNL, POESY, Point Of Grace, Poison the Well, Pola and Bryson, Pom Klementieff, PONY, Pony Bradshaw, Pooch Hall, POOKIE, Popof, Poppy Jean Crawford, Pops Mensah-Bonsu, Porches, Porcupine Tree, Porridge Radio, Portugal. The Man, Post Sex Nachos, Pote, Powerglove, POWERS, Prateek Kuhad, Precious Pepala, Prentiss, Preston James, Preston Pablo, Pretty Awkward, Prim Siripipat, Prinz, Priscilla Barnes, Priscilla Renea, Priya Krishna, Priya Ragu, Priyanka Chopra, Problem and more!