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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Prof. Stranger, Prok and Fitch, Promnite, Prospa, Protection, Pryde, Psymon Spine, Puddle Of Mudd, Pulled Apart by Horses, Punctual, Punk Rock Factory, Pure Prairie League, Purple Disco Machine, Pxssy Palace, Pyromania- Dej Leppard Tribute, Q, Quadeca, Quaker City Night Hawks, Quarters of Change, Quavo, Queen, Queen Extravaganza, Queen Millz, Queensryche, Questlove, quickly, quickly, Quincy Brown, Quinn Dahle, quinnie, Quinta Brunson, Quinton Brock, Quinton Griggs, QuinzeQuinze, R. City, R.L. Boyce, Ra Ra Riot, Rachael and Vilray, Rachael Jenkins, Rachael Ray, Rachel Bobbitt, Rachel Bochner, Rachel Brosnahan, Rachel Chavkin, Rachel Cruze, Rachel Dratch, Rachel Farley, Rachel Lindsay, Rachel Morrison, Rachel Platten, Rachel Sennott, Rachel Sermanni, Rachel Weisz, Rachel York, Radhi Devlukia, Radhika Das, Radical 80's Tribute Band, Radkey, Radzi Chinyanganya, Rae Khalil, Raha Moharrak, Raheem Devaughn, Rahne Jones, Raiche, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Raja Kumari, Ralph Harris, Ramin Karimloo, RAMIREZ, Ramit Sethi, Randall Bramblett, Randall Cunningham, Randall King, Randall Park, Randy Bachman, Randy Couture, Randy Crawford, Randy Fenoli, Randy Owen, Raphael Sbarge, Rashawn Ray, Rashida Jones, Rat Tally, Ratbag, Raul Castillo, Raul Malo, RAVENSCOON, Ravyn Lenae, Ray Johnston Band, Ray LaMontagne, Ray Parker Jr., Ray Romano, Raydio, Rayfield Wright, Raymond Moody, Rayowa, RDGLDGRN, Ready for the World, RealestK, Reaper (DJ), Reba McEntire, Rebecca Ferguson, Rebecca Minkoff, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Rebecca St. James, Rebel Clash, Rebounder, Rece Davis, Reckless Kelly, Red Hearse, Red Rocks Worship, Red Wanting Blue, Redferrin, Redlight, Reece Young, Reed Morano, Reed Timmer, Reeve Carney, Regard, Rege-Jean Page, Reggie Lee and more!