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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Reggie Smith, Reggie Watts, Regina Belle , rei brown, Reid Haughton, Reiley, Reinhardt Buhr, Remi Wolf, Remy Bond, Remy Kassimir, Rene King Moreno, Renee Alsarraf, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Renee Taylor, REO Speedwagon, Residente, Restless Road, Restricted, Resurrection: A Journey Tribute, Reuben De Melo, Reverend Dr. Mary, Reverend Shawn Amos, Rex Brown, Rexx Life Raj, Rhea Raj, Rhea Seehorn, Rhett and Link, Rhoda Dakar, Rhodes, Rhonda Byrne, Rhys Ifans, Rhys Lewis, Rhythm of The 90's, Ria Mae, Rich Girl, Rich Little, Rich Sommer, Rich the Kid, Richard Ashcroft, Richard Butler, Richard Chamberlain, Richard Coyle, Richard Culatta, Richard Rawlings, Richard Thomas, Richie Sambora, Richie Santa, Rick Astley, Rick Burleson, Rickey Smiley, Ricky Lee, Ricky Montgomery, Ricky Reed, Ridin' the Storm Out, Ridley Slim, Rido, Riff Raff, Rihanna, RIKA, Rikki Hughes, Rileyy Lanez, RIMON, Rimzee, Ringo Starr, Ringside, Riovaz, Rita Rudner, Ritt Momney, Rival Schools, River Matthews, Riverside, Rixton, RLY, Roachford, Rob Delaney, Rob Garza, Rob McNelley, Rob Paulsen, Robbie Amell, Robert "Buster" Olney, Robert Davi, Robert Downey Jr., Robert Fulghum, Robert Holden, Robert Iger, Robert Plant, Robert Powell, Robert Redford, Robert Sheehan, Robert Sofia, Robert Wisdom, Roberto Alomar, Robin and Linda Williams, Robin S., Robin Yount, Robinson, Rocco, Rock Cellos (Emil and Dariel), Rock Of Ages, Rock Story, Rock the Boat, Rockabilly Boogie, Rockmond Dunbar, Rod Smith, Rod Stewart, Rodney Pryor, Roger Bennett, Roger Creager, Roger Federer, Roisin Murphy, Roma Downey, Roman Alexander, Roman Clarke, Romero, Romy, Ron Artis II, Ron Ben-Israel, Ron Darling, Ron Duprat, Ron Fournier and more!