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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Shirelles, Shirley Henderson, Shirley Jones, ShockOne, Shovel Dance Collective, Showbots, Shura, shy martin, Sicaria Sound, Sick Individuals, Sidewalk Prophets, Sidney Charles, Sidney Samson, Sienna Miller, Sierra Boggess, Sierra Ferrell, Sierra Quitiquit, Sigala, Silk City, Silvia Bianco, Simi and Haze Khadra, SIMO, Simon Clow, Simon Winchester, Simone Manuel, Simple Creatures, Simply Celine, SIMULA, Sin Bandera, Sinbad, Sinead Harnett, Sinj Clarke, Sinkane, siovo, Sir Charles Jones, Sir Hiss, Siren's Crush, Sister Hazel, Sister Souljah, Six60, Skantia, Skeptical, Skinnyfromthe9, Skip Ewing, Skullcrusher, Sky Katz, Skye Wallace, Skylar Astin, Skylar Grey, Skylights, Slash, Slaughter, Slave, slchld, Sleepy Hallow, Slift, SloFunkPump, Slooze, Slow Hollows, Slow Ride, Slowhand, Smiles Davis, Smith and Thell, SMOAKLAND, Smokey Robinson, Smokie Norful, Smylie Kaufman, Snoop Dogg, Snow Tha Product, SNOW WIFE, So-dam Park, Soap and Skin, SoDown, Sofia Carson, Sofia Valdes, Sofia Vergara, Sofie Allsopp, Soft Blue Shimmer, Soft Cell, Softee, Softest Hard, SOHMI, SOJA, Sol Heilo, Solange Knowles, Sombear, Son Of A Sailor - Tribute To Jimmy Buffett, Son Rompe Pera, Sonder, Songer, Sonia Leigh, Sonic Boom- KISS Tribute, Sonny, Sonny Digital, Sonny Kiss, Sonny Tennet, Sons of an Illustrious Father, Sons of Daughters, Sonya Curry, Sophia Fracassi, Sophia Galate, Sophia Loren, Sophia Scott, Sophie and the Giants, Sophie Cates, Sophie Grace, Sophistafunk, SORRY, Soulive, Soulsavers, Sounds of Seattle, South Arcade, South of Eden, South Summit, Southern Thunder, Spanish Duo, Sparoh, Sparrow and Barbossa, Sparx, Spector and more!