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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Brendan Schaub, Brenna Whitaker, Brennan Elliott, Brent Terhune, Bret Ernst, Bret Michaels, Bret Saberhagen, Brett Eldredge, Brett Favre, Brett Gelman, Brett Goldstein, Brett Rigby, Brett Young, Bria Skonberg, Brian and Jenn Johnson, Brian Cashman, Brian Cox, Brian David Johnson, Brian Destiny, Brian Eisch, Brian Head Welch, Brian Nasty, Brian Posehn, Brian Wilson featuring Al Jardine, Brian Head" Welch", Brianna Hildebrand, Bridget Fonda, Bright Lights, Bring In 'Da Noise Bring In 'Da Funk, British Beat 66, Britishmania Beatles Tribute, Britnee Kellogg, Britt Hammond, Brittany Howard, Brittany S. Hall, Brittany Snow, Broadside, Broadway Rock of Ages, Brody Dalle, Bronson Arroyo, Bronze Whale, Brooke Annibale, Brooke D'Orsay, Brooke Shields, Brooks Robinson, BROS, Brownstone, Bruce Fine, Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band, Bruno Mars, Bryan Adams, Bryan and Katie Torwalt, Bryan Bautista, Bryan Brown, Bryan Cranston, Bryan Martin, Bryan White, Bryce Austin, Bryce Dallas Howard, Bryce Fox, Brynn Cartelli, BTS, Bubble Tea and Cigarettes, Buck Meek, Bucky Covington, Buddy Jewell, Buddy Rich Big Band, Buddy Valastro, Buffalo Tom, Bufiman, Buku, Bulow, Burn The Floor, Burning Spear, Burr Leonard, Business Theater, Busty and the Bass, Busy Philipps, Butterscotch, Buzzcocks, Byron Buxton, Byron The Aquarius, C'est Qui, C+C Music Factory, Cabinet, Cafuné, Cage The Elephant, Cailey Fleming, Cailin Russo, Caitlin Rose, Cake, Calabasas, Calboy, Caleb Foote, Calexico, Callie Reiff, Callista Clark, Calvin Harris, Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam Allen, CamelPhat, Cameo, Cameron A G, Cameron Champ, Cameron Diaz, Cameron Jordan, Cameron Sacky Band, Camila Fernandez, Camilla George, Cammi Granato, Camo Brian, Campbell Brown, Camylio, Canaan Cox, Canaan Smith, Canabliss, Canadian Xsports, Candace Parker and more!