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results of search for "tech" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like David Weinberger, David Wilson, Davis Guggenheim, Dawn Breedon, Dawnna St Louis, Dead Poet Society, Deadcrow, Dean Lindsay, DeAngelo Hall, Debbie Sterling, DEBONAIR, Deborah Lee James, Debra Engle, Debra Fine, Debra Jasper, Dee Dee Myers, Deeper Purpose, Deezy, Deidre Downs, Del-30, Dell Curry, DeMaryius Thomas, Demdike Stare, Dengue Dengue Dengue!, Denise Julia, Denise Persson, Deniz Bul, Dennis Avery, Dennis Brouwer, Dennis Consorte, Dennis Crowley, Dennis Cruz, Dennis Ferrer, Dennis Ferrer, Dennis Franchione, Dennis Gilbert, Dennis Hong, Dennis Quin, Dennis Robbins, PhD, MPH, Denys Lichtenstein, Derek Dooley, Derek Gaunt, Derek Hough, Derrick Favors, Derrick Morgan, Dessy Di Lauro, Deyaz, Dhairya Dand, Dhiraj Mukherjee, Dia Simms, Diamond Dallas Tex, Diana Cabrices, Diana DeGarmo, Diane Isaacs, Dick Cavett, Dick Powell, Dick Rutan, Diego Bolson Ruzzarin, Digital Deception, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Dinesh D'Souza, Dion Visser, Dirk Ahlborn, Dirtwire, Disco Biscuits, Disfreq, DJ Berrie, DJ DouggPound, DJ Earworm, DJ HEARTSTRING, DJ LOVE, DJ Mandy, DJ Marky, DJ Michelle Pesce, DJ Patil, DJ Python, DJ Ravi Drums, DJ Sasha, DJ Spinderella, DJ Susan, DJ_Dave, Doc Hendley, Doc Searls, Dolph Lundgren, Domhnall Gleeson, DOMINA, Dominique Crenn, Don Barden, Don Broco, Don Henley, Don Mann, Don McMillan, Donny Anderson, Donny Osmond, Dorothy Hamill, Dorsey Levens, Dossa and Locuzzed, Doug Dayton, Doug Kessler, Doug Marrone, Douglas Coupland, Douglas Karr, Douglas Merrill, Dr. Allen Selner, Dr. Andy Galpin, Dr. Asha de Vos, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Dr. Brian Alman, Dr. Craig Challen, Dr. David Ferrucci, Dr. Deborah Berebichez, Dr. Emily Anhalt, Dr. Eric Daimler, Dr. Gautam Gulati, Dr. George Elvin, Dr. John Medina, Dr. Judi, Dr. Kate Biberdorf, Dr. Luana Marques, Dr. Merritt Moore and more!