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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like DE'WAYNE, Deafheaven, Dean Ornish, M.D., Dean Owens, Deandre Latimore, Deanna Petcoff, Deante' Hitchcock, Dear Seattle, Death Grips, DeathByRomy, Debbi Fields, Debbie, Debbie McGee, DeBe, DEBONAIR, Deborah Allen, Deborah Cox, Debra Engle, Debra Winger, Decadia, Decadon, Deceits, Declan J Donovan, Declan O'Rourke, Dee White, Deepika Padukone, Deesha Dyer, Defunk, Dehd, Deion Sanders, Del Barber, Del Water Gap, Delaney Bailey, Delhi 2, Delia Ephron, Delta Heavy, Delta Rae, Demdike Stare, Demetria McKinney, Demi Lovato, Demi-Leigh Tebow, Demian Bichir, Demola, Dempsey Hope, demxntia, Denali Foxx, Denise Richards, Denita, Dennis Ferrer, Dennis Ferrer, Dennis Haskins, Dennis Quin, Depresion Sonora, deryk, Des Bishop, Descemer Bueno, Desert Outlaws, Desi Lydic, Desi Valentine, Designer, Desire, Desmond Jr., Destroy Boys, Destructo, Devin Druid, Devon Alexander, Devon Cole, Devotchka, Dexys, Deyah, Dez Hoston, Diana Cabrices, Diana Jordan, Diana Krall, Diana Maria Riva, Diana Ross, Diana Silvers, Diana Vickers, Diane Chase, Diane Farr, Diane Keaton, Diane Kruger, Diane Warren, Dianna Agron, Diarrhea Planet, Dichen Lachman, Didi Gregorius, Diego Luna, Digging Roots, Digital Farm Animals, Dillon James, Dillon Nathaniel, Dimension, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Dimond Saints, Dino Archie, Dio Disciples, Disco54 Band, DITZ, Divino Nino, Dixon Dallas, DJ Daisy O'Dell, DJ Decoy / DJ Danny Rankin, DJ DU, DJ Flight, DJ HEARTSTRING, DJ Hernan Cattaneo, Dj Jazzy Jeff, DJ Karaba, DJ Kool, DJ Koze, DJ LeMahieu, DJ Lostboi, DJ M.O.S., DJ Maj, DJ Mr Best, DJ Phantasy, DJ Politik, DJ Promote, DJ Q and more!