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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Baby Dave, Baby's Berserk, Babygirl, Bach To The Future, Back In Time, Back to Bacharach Starring John Pagano, Bad Child, Bad Sounds, Bad to the Bone, Badger, Badshah, Bag of Donuts, Bailey Zimmerman, Baillie & The Boys, Bakar, Baker Boy, Ball Park Music, Bambara, Bandits on the Run, Bane's World, Bar-Kays, Baratunde Thurston, Barbara Brandon-Croft, Barbara DeAngelis, Barbara Musser, Barclay Crenshaw, Bardo, BARELY ALIVE, Barrington Levy, Barry Black, Barry Bonds, Barry Keoghan, Barry Larkin, Barry Williams, Bart Crow Band, Bat, Baths, Bauhaus, Baxter, Baynk, Bayou, BB Sway, Be Charlotte, Be Your Own Pet, Beachcrimes, Bear McCreary, Bearcubs, BEATFOOT, Bebe Stockwell, Becca Mancari, Becki Newton, Becky and the Birds, Becky Blanton, Becky Hill, Bed of Roses, Bejenec, Bella Dose, Bella Thorne, Bellah, Bellarive, Ben Bator, Ben Bruce, Ben Curtis, Ben Feldman, Ben Howard, Ben Kim, Ben Lawson, Ben Masters, Ben Mendelsohn, Ben Morrison, Ben Schwartz, Ben Vereen, Ben Zaidi, Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Benji Lewis, Benji., Bennett Coast, Bennie & The Jets (Tribute To Elton John), Benny Benassi, benny blanco, Benton Blount, BenZel, Beoga, Ber, Beren Olivia, Bernard Butler, Bernie Siegel, Bert Jacobs, Bertrand Piccard, Bessie Carter, Best Shot - The Benatar Experience, Beth Behrs, Beth Stelling, Beto O'Rourke, Betsy, Bette Smith, Better Her Than Me, Bettie Serveert, Betty Anne Waters, Betty Gilpin, Betty Who, Beyonce, Bien, Big & Rich, Big Bamboo, Big Bang, Big Daddy Weave, Big Dave McLean, Big Miz, Big Narstie, Big Red Machine, Big Shaq, Big Wild, Big Words, Bike Routes, Bil Dwyer, Bilal, Bill Bates, Bill Blagg, Bill Courtney and more!