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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like The Black Angels, The Black Lillies, The Blaze, The Bluebells, The Bonfyre, The Brevet, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, The Bright Light Social Hour, The Bronx Wanderers, The Brothers Gillespie, The Buckinghams, The Bygones, The Cactus Blossoms, The Casualties, The Cavemen, The Cerny Brothers, The Clockworks, The Clovers, The Color, The Contours, The Courteeners, The Criticals, The Cult, The Cure, The Cutkelvins, The Dare, The Delfonics, The Delta Riggs, The Diamonds, The Distillers, The Downtown Band, The Eagles, The Empty Hearts, The English Beat, The Expendables, The Fab Four Fathers of Rock and Roll, The Faim, The Feeling, The Fixtures Jazz Duo, The Flints, The Fontanas, The Four King Cousins, The Frames, The Front Bottoms, The Gap Experience, The Goa Express, The Grascals, The Grass Roots, The Great Divide, The Green, The Growlers, The Guest List, The Happy Fits, The HawtThorns, The Hearts, The Hi-Fins, The Highwaymen Live, The Hold Steady, The Hooten Hallers, The Horrors, The Human League, The Jaded Hearts Club, The Japanese House, The Jayhawks, The Jezabels, The Jungle Giants, The Kid Laroi, The Kingdom Choir, The Kites, The Kokomo Show, The Lee Brothers, The Legendary Wailers, The Limousines, The Local Honeys, The London Essentials, The Lonesome Trio, The Long Run, The Lords of Altamont, The Lowdown Drifters, The Lumineers, The M Machine, The Magic Gang, The Magnetic Fields, The Maine, The Makers, The Man in Black: A Tribute to Johnny Cash, The Manhattans, The Mar?_as, The Marcels, The Martins, The Master Mind Brent Webb, The McCrary Sisters, The Moanin' Blacksnakes, The Mojo Gurus, The Mowgli's, The Music Is Bond...James Bond, The Music of Boston and Journey, The Musical Box, The National, The National Parks, The New Rascals Featuring Gene Cornish & Dino Dane, The Night Cafe, The O'Jays, The Oak Ridge Boys, The Ohio Players, The Old Paths Quartet, The Original Tymes, The Outsiders, The Panhandlers, The Philosopher Kings, The Pigeon Detectives, The Po' Ramblin' Boys, The Pointer Sisters, The Psychedelic Furs, The Pursuit of Happiness, The Rapture, The Rat Pack is Back, The Raveonettes, The Redhill Valleys and more!