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results of search for "love" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like The Reunion Beatles, The Rev-Tones, The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, The Righteous Brothers starring Bill Medley, The Romantics, The Royston Club, The S.O.S. Band, The Samples, The Saturdays, The Sauce Boss-Bill Wharton, The Saw Doctors , The Scene Aesthetic, The Score, The Shadowboxers, The Shouting Matches, The Slackers, The Small Glories, The Spinners, The Standells, The Steel Woods, The Stone Roses, The Stylistics, The Summer Set, The Tea Party, The Temper Trap, The Temperance Movement, The Temptations & The Four Tops, The Teskey Brothers, The Tide, The Ultimate Thriller, The Undercover Dream Lovers, The Unlikely Candidates, The Used, The Very Best, The Violent, The Wailers, The Walters, The WannaBeatles, The War and Treaty, The Water Coolers, The Watson Twins, The White Buffalo, The Whitlams, The Wild Feathers, The Wonderfool, The Young Escape, The Zawose Queens, The Zutons, The-Dream, Them Crooked Vultures, Them Vibes, Theory, Theresa Caputo (The Long Island Medium), They., Third World, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Thomas Dybdahl, Thomas Kopelman, Thomas Mac, Thomas McClary of The Commodores, Thomas Middleditch, Thompson Egbo-Egbo, Thoom, Thoroughly Modern Broadway, Three Dog Night, Thumpasaurus, Thunder Jackson, Thundercat, ThxSoMch, Tia Gostelow, Tia Wood, Tiago Oudman, Tierra Whack, Tiff Needell, Tiffany Calver, Tiffany Macisaac, Tigirlily, Tillie, Tim Allen, Tim Byrne, Tim Dugger, Tim Gallagher, Tim Kennedy, Tim Koh, Tim Kurkjian, Tim Matheson, Tim Menzies, Tim Montana and The Shrednecks, Tim Robbins, Tim Rushlow Formerly of Little Texas, Tim Simons, Timbaland, Timothy Dalton, Timothy Granaderos, Timothy Hutton, Tina Lenert, Tinx, Tish Melton, Tito Puente Jr. & Orchestra, Tito Ramirez, Tituss Burgess, TLC, Toadies, Tobi Lou, TobyMac, Todd Agnew, Todd Grinnell, Todd Kashdan, Todd O'Neill, Todd Oliver, Todd Talbot, TODDSPLANET, Tokens, TOKiMONSTA, Toledo, Tom Aspaul, Tom Cavanagh, Tom Hanks, Tom Hiddleston and more!