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results of search for "who" for corporate functions, business or private parites, fairs or festivals, weddings, speaking engangments, print or online advertising campaigns, media events, endorsements, fundraisers, or appearances. Contact CTI by calling 725-228-5100 today or
submitting a request in order to book talent like Lisa as Katy Perry, Lisa Belkin, Lisa Brenninkmeyer, Lisa Cortes, Lisa Damour, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Lisa Genova, Lisa Hannigan, Lisa Johnson Mandell, Lisa Joyce, Lisa Kudrow, Lisa Marie Smith, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Lisa Nicole Bell, Lisa Randall, Lisa Rinna, Lisa Stansfield, Lisa Su, Lisa Sun, Lisa Torres, Lisa Tucker, Lisa Wardell, Lisel, Lissa Rankin, Lissie, Lita Ford, Litany, Lithe, Little Feat, Little Image, Little Jackie, Little Joe & La Familia, Little Quirks, Little Simz, Little Texas, Liv.e, Livin on a Prayer, Living Legends, Livingston Taylor, Liz Cheney, Liz Earle, Liz Goodgold, Liz Lokre, Liz Wiseman, Liza Donnelly, Liza Koshy, Liza Minnelli, Liza Minnelli look-alike-Suzanne Goulet, Lizz Wrightc, Lizzie Esau, Lizzy Caplan, Lizzy Farrall, Lizzy McAlpine, LL Cool J, Lloren, Lloyd Banks, Lloyd Blankfein, Lloyd Pierce, Lo Faber, Lo Moon, Lo Nightly, Lo Village, Lo-Fang, Lo5ive, Lobo, Local H, LoCash, Loco Dice, Logan Guntzelman, Logan Henderson, Logan Mankins, Logan Michael, Logan Mize, Logan Paul, Lois Nachamie, LOLA, Lola Kirke, Lola Lennox, Lola Tung, Lolly Adefope, Lomas Brown, London Brown, London Fletcher, London on da Track, Long Beard, Loni Anderson, Lonnie Holley, Lonr, LOONY, Lord Sebastian Coe, Lorde, Loreen, Loreena McKennitt, Loren Gray, Loren Kramar, Lorena Ochoa, Lorenzo Lamas, Lorenzo Neal, Lorenzo Renny Cromwell, Lorenzo Senni, Loretta Lynch, Lori Chalupny, Lori Lindsey, Lorna Luft, Lorna Riley, Lorrie Fair, Los Angeles Azules, Los Angeles Negros, Los Aptos, Los Dos Carnales, Los Invasores De Nuevo Leon, Los Mirlos, Los Recoditos, Los Vivancos, Los Yesterdays, Lost Frequencies, Lost Girl, Lou Bega , Lou Diamond Phillips, Lou Ferrigno and more!